Pferd mit Vitalpilze und CBD-Produkte von Seewinkler Naturprodukte zur Unterstützung des Pferdestoffwechsels im Winter und während des Fellwechsels.

Natürliche Unterstützung bei Stoffwechselproblemen im Winter

Natürliche Unterstützung für den Stoffwechsel deines Vierbeiners: Erfahre, wie Vitalpilze wie Reishi und Maitake sowie CBD-Produkte wie schubAKUT und gastroAKUT sowohl Pferd als auch Hund helfen kö...

Fit durch den Fellwechsel

Fit through the coat change

Learn how to optimally support your pet during the coat change. Tips on nutrition, grooming, and natural products to promote healthy and shiny fur.

Headshaking, Koppen und weitere Stress- & Nervenprobleme bei Pferden

Headshaking, cribbing and other stress and nerve problems in horses

CBD and medicinal mushrooms can effectively help with stress and nervous problems such as headshaking and cribbing. Scientifically based management tips and product recommendations.

Fruktan beim Pferd: Risiken erkennen und bewusst handeln

Fructan in horses: Recognize risks and act consciously

Protect your horse from the hidden dangers of fructan and promote digestive health! Our blog article offers you practical tips for safe grazing and introduces natural supporters such as CBD and the...

Pferde auf Koppel mit Fliegendecke, im Vordergrund das Seewinkler allergyCARE

Goodbye itching: causes and how you can help your horse

Why does your horse itch? Find out the causes and what you can do about summer eczema and other problems.

Die Kraft der Natur bei Allergien: CBD für deinen Vierbeiner

The power of nature for allergies: CBD for your four-legged friend

Discover the healing power of CBD, hemp flower powder (3% CBD) and cold-pressed hemp oil. Relief from allergies, skin problems and sweet itch - nature in its purest form for the well-being of your ...

Fohlen kratzt sich in Blumenwiese

Shivering in horses: How hemp powder brings hope for relief

Read here how CBD and hemp powder offer hope of relief for horses with shivering. A natural solution for muscle and nerve problems!

Pferd auf Wiese mit Bäumen

CBD for muscle problems: support relief and recovery

Discover the promising possibilities of CBD for relieving muscle problems in animals in our blog article. Learn more about the research and application of this natural solution.

Pferd entspannt auf Turnier dank Seewinkler CBD-Produkten

CBD and stress - just a matter of nerves?

Discover the promising role of CBD in reducing stress and nervous problems in animals in this blog article.

Die faszinierende Welt der Pferdeverdauung

The fascinating world of horse digestion

The horse's digestion is a complex system that influences health and well-being. Microbiota, research and natural support play an important role and there are many things to consider.