Fruktan beim Pferd: Risiken erkennen und bewusst handeln

Fructan in horses: Recognize risks and act consciously

Protect your horse from the hidden dangers of fructan and promote digestive health! Our blog article offers you practical tips for safe grazing and introduces natural supporters such as CBD and the...

Die faszinierende Welt der Pferdeverdauung

The fascinating world of horse digestion

The horse's digestion is a complex system that influences health and well-being. Microbiota, research and natural support play an important role and there are many things to consider.

Die Kraft der Heilpilze: Hericium, Reishi, Agaricus Maitake & Shiitake

The power of medicinal mushrooms: Hericium, Reishi, Agaricus Maitake & Shiitake

Discover the healing effects of Hericium, Reishi, Maitake, Agaricus and Shiitake for horses and dogs. These medicinal mushrooms strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and promote the gen...

Kleine Pilze, große Wirkung

Small mushrooms, big impact

Discover the synergistic effect of medicinal mushrooms and CBD on animals. Learn how these natural substances can reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and promote health.

Frau hört Darmgeräusche von Pferd ab

Stomach and intestinal problems in horses and dogs

Does your four-legged friend keep suffering from digestive problems? Here you can find out how hemp can help to alleviate the problem and what the current studies say about it.

Hanf als Modeerscheinung?

Hemp as a fad?

The cultivated plant hemp is becoming increasingly popular. But what is really behind all the stories about hemp? We show what hemp can do and which myths about the plant are true or false.

Superfood Hanf - was die Pflanze alles kann

Superfood Hemp - What the Plant Can Do

The superfood hemp is full of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. And the small, nutty hemp seeds are also very good - find out more about what you can use them for.