Allergien Asthma & COPD

Superfood Hemp - What the Plant Can Do

Superfood Hanf - was die Pflanze alles kann

The hemp plant has gained significantly in popularity in recent years - or rather, regained it. This versatile cultivated plant was already used effectively in ancient China and offers numerous applications for humans and animals.

Hemp is a kind of superfood full of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The hemp plant has valuable amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 in an optimal ratio, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, zinc - and all of this in a readily available, organic form.

And the seeds?

The small, nutty hemp seeds also contain many important vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2 and B6, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E. These vital substances can support the natural metabolic power and immune system of your four-legged friend (and of course your own). Hemp is also a very good source of zinc. Zinc can build up to 80 enzymes, which supports the body's own defenses and natural metabolic function.

The inconspicuous hemp seeds consist of many different ingredients: from carbohydrates to proteins to vitamins and many other nutrients. The hemp nut (well packed in the shell) is about 0.3 centimeters in size and consists of around 30% carbohydrates, protein and fats - plus the vitamins and trace elements described above. This makes the little nutrient bomb easy to digest and helps where your horse needs support.

And: Hemp is one of the very few oil plants that contains the rare gamma-linolenic acid. This gamma-linolenic acid is also found in spirulina algae or evening primrose oil, for example, but not in common oils (such as linseed oil, sunflower oil, etc.) and is very important for the body.

What can you use hemp seeds for with your four-legged friend:

  • To support the digestive system
  • For stomach problems and intestinal flora disorders
  • To strengthen the natural function of the joints
  • To support muscle building
  • To support the natural skin function
  • To strengthen the respiratory organs
  • For beautiful coat and good hooves
  • For general well-being
  • As a natural mineral and vital substance supplement

What is the best way to feed the hemp seeds?

Hemp products should always be introduced slowly so that your pet's organism can get used to them. As a rule, you should start with 20g of hemp seeds and then increase the dose weekly until you reach the recommended daily dose (this can vary greatly from person to person - please contact us).

In general, horses love hemp and especially the crunchy seeds. If your horse doesn't like hemp, you can mix it into the feed or wait a day or two and then try again. If you have a four-legged friend with poor feeding instincts who is generally picky, you can sweeten the hemp with a little apple juice, herbal tea or apple sauce to make it more palatable. Even very picky four-legged friends usually get used to the taste after a very short time.


Hemp seeds are brilliant nutrient bombs and support our four-legged friends in a natural way. Below you will find a brief summary of our three hemp seed products.

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