Allergien Asthma & COPD

The power of nature for allergies: CBD for your four-legged friend

Die Kraft der Natur bei Allergien: CBD für deinen Vierbeiner

In the world of animal health, a natural revolution is becoming ever more tangible: feeding hemp for various inflammatory processes and problems. Find out how the mixture of our high-quality hemp powder and cold-pressed hemp oil can not only relieve allergies and skin problems in horses, but can also be used as support against the widespread summer eczema.

The Wonders of the Hemp Plant

Our products are based on the powerful hemp plant, which has been valued for centuries for its diverse health-promoting properties. The hemp powder with 3% CBD and the cold-pressed hemp oil we offer are particularly notable for their support in inflammatory diseases and allergies.

The anti-inflammatory power of CBD

Causes of inflammation range from mechanical stimuli such as friction and pressure, to thermal stimuli such as cold, warmth and heat, to chemical stimuli, allergies and pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses. Inflammation is often the root of many diseases. Therefore, reducing and preventing inflammation is crucial. It is known that when inflammation is absent, many health problems do not occur in the first place.

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is the key to developing the anti-inflammatory effect. Allergies, skin problems and the dreaded summer eczema are gently treated by targeting the endocannabinoid system. Reducing inflammation is not just a temporary relief, but a crucial step in preventing numerous other health problems.

High-quality hemp powder

Our hemp powder with 3% CBD is our most popular product for good reason. Rich in cannabinoids, including the powerful CBD, the powder made from flowers and leaves offers a natural and sustainable solution for horses with allergies and inflammation. The interaction of the cannabinoids and the numerous vital substances of the hemp plant enables an ideal combination to maximize the anti-inflammatory effects and promote skin health.

Cold-pressed hemp oil for healthy skin

Our cold-pressed hemp oil from the seeds of the hemp plant perfectly complements the hemp powder. It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote skin regeneration and thus help to relieve skin problems. The natural soothing of itching and support in skin regeneration make this oil an indispensable part of daily care.

support for allergies

The hemp plant offers numerous benefits in the fight against allergies: from reducing itching to promoting skin health - our products are more than just dietary supplements. By specifically influencing the endocannabinoid system, these products can help to reduce excessive inflammatory reactions and thus alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Naturally soothing the skin, promoting regeneration and reducing itching could make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of animals.


Allergies often have a variety of causes that are not always clearly explainable - it is all the more important to support the body comprehensively and as naturally as possible. Discover the transformative power of CBD and hemp products for your pet. Our hemp powder with 3% CBD and the cold-pressed hemp oil are not just products, they are a promise for the well-being of your four-legged friend.

Hemp pellets in combination with hemp seeds are also a good alternative to dry feeding - here the dosage must be adjusted accordingly.

For very stubborn allergies or severe breathing problems, we recommend feedingallergyCARE and hemp oil . The hemp powder with 3% CBD, combined with selected medicinal mushrooms, can provide effective support for allergies and problems with the entire immune system.

Here you can read more about how CBD can comprehensively support the body with a variety of problems.

In addition to feeding suitable supplements, you should also take a closer look at your ration - it is important to clarify whether you have chosen the right mineralization and concentrate for your hay and whether there are any allergens in your composition. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Cannabidiol as an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress, author: Mariana Babayeva, Damián A. Nyandjo, et al., published in: Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2019.

Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic plant-derived cannabinoid, decreases inflammation in a murine model of acute lung injury: Role for the adenosine A(2A) receptor, Author: Ribeiro A, Ferraz-de-Paula V, et al., Published in : European Journal of Pharmacology, 2012.

Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and antiinflammatory effects on human sebocytes, author: Oláh A, Tóth BI, et al., published in: Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014.

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