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Shivering in horses: How hemp powder brings hope for relief

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Horses, like any living creature, can be affected by health challenges. One problem that can occur especially in older horses and is often associated with muscle and nerve problems is shivering - a condition that is accompanied by uncontrolled muscle twitching. In this article, we take a closer look at shivering in horses and how our hemp powder with natural CBD content offers hope for relief.

What is shivering and why does it affect horses?

Shivering is a neurological disorder that manifests itself through noticeable muscle tremors. Although the exact cause is not yet fully understood, it is believed that muscle and nerve problems play a central role. This phenomenon occurs primarily in older horses and can significantly affect their quality of life. Unfortunately, in recent months and years there have been increasing cases of young horses showing initial signs of shivering, making this disease an even more important issue for horse owners and veterinarians.

The Symptoms of Shivering: A Battle for the Horses

Horses with shivering show a range of symptoms, including noticeable trembling of the muscles, difficulty walking backwards and lifting the legs. These seemingly simple movements become a real struggle for the affected horses, which can lead to frustration and stress. The routine visit to the farrier is often only possible with a lot of patience and sedation - many horse owners seek help for their darlings in both conventional and alternative medicine.

CBD and hemp powder as natural support

The discovery of CBD's anti-inflammatory properties has opened the door to new possibilities for relieving shivering symptoms. These natural substances can help in several ways:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect: Shivering is often accompanied by inflammation in muscles and nerves. CBD can help reduce this inflammation and thus alleviate the symptoms.
  2. Muscle relaxation: The calming effect of CBD on the muscles offers a possible solution to the uncontrolled muscle contractions that occur in horses with shivering.
  3. Calming the nervous system: Horses with shivering are often stressed. CBD can help calm the nervous system and thus lead to more balanced behavior.

Conclusion: New hope for horses with shivering

Shivering is a serious challenge for horses and their owners. However, advancing research in the field of CBD offers a promising perspective for alleviating the symptoms. By working closely with experts, horse owners can give their beloved animals new hope for an improved quality of life.

Basically, we have some very positive customer feedback that the combination of our hemp powder with 3% CBD and the 20% CBD oil can help both in alleviating the symptoms and in the general well-being of the affected four-legged friends.

Sources:,,, Civilization diseases of horses; Holistic treatment of chronic diseases; Christina Fritz/Souel Maleh; Sonntag Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG; Stuttgart 2016; Cannabidiol Rescues Acute Hepatic Toxicity and Seizure Induced by Cocaine, Published in: Scientific Reports 2015; Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and antiinflammatory effects on human sebocytes. Published in: The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014.

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