Seewinkler schubKOMBI: Holistic support for metabolic problems
TheSeewinkler schubKOMBIhelps specifically with metabolic problems and the associated pain of your animal. It consists ofSeewinkler schubAKUT,Seewinkler hemp oilandSeewinkler CBD oil 20%. Available in two size options: 1 kg schubAKUT, 10 ml CBD oil and 1 l hemp oil or in the larger version with 6 kg schubAKUT, 30 ml CBD oil and 5 l hemp oil.Seewinkler schubAKUTsupports your animal's metabolism and detoxification, while the hemp oil improves the absorption of CBD. The CBD oil relieves acute pain and calms the nervous system.
Seewinkler schubAKUT: Natural metabolic support
Seewinkler schubAKUTis specially developed to support your animal's metabolism and promote detoxification processes. It contains a selected mixture of natural ingredients that have an anti-inflammatory effect and stabilize kidney function and the entire metabolism. SchubAKUT helps with problems such as laminitis, EMS and other metabolic disorders. The simple feeding by adding it to the feed makes it uncomplicated to use.
Seewinkler CBD oil 20%: Acute help for pain and stress
TheSeewinkler CBD oil 20%not only helps with acute pain, but also has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the high CBD content, it supports your animal's endocannabinoid system, which plays a central role in regulating pain sensation and stress. The oil has a particularly soothing effect on metabolic disorders such as laminitis. It also helps to calm the nervous system and promote your animal's general well-being.
Seewinkler hemp oil: Natural support for CBD absorption
Seewinkler hemp oilis rich in omega fatty acids and not only supports your animal's metabolism, but also improves the absorption of CBD because it is fat-soluble. Ideal as a daily supplement to feeding.
How to use Seewinkler schubKOMBI optimally
MixSeewinkler schubAKUTandSeewinkler hemp oilAdd to your pet’s daily food to support metabolism and detoxify the body.Seewinkler CBD oil 20%Separate from the food in the form of drops directly into the mouth or on a treat to specifically relieve acute pain. Make sure you use the correct dosage to achieve optimal results.
You can find the respective feeding recommendations on the products and also here:
Tip:If youSeewinkler CBD oil 20%for your dog, you should adjust the dosage compared to weaker CBD oils. Since it has a higher concentration, you can simply halve the dosage of the 10% oil to administer the right amount.
Ingredients in Detail
The exact ingredients of theSeewinkler schubKOMBIYou can find products on the respective product pages in our online shop. Click on the corresponding links to get all information about the ingredients: