Allergien Asthma & COPD

Small mushrooms, big impact

Kleine Pilze, große Wirkung

What are medicinal mushrooms or vital mushrooms actually?

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Cordyceps, Auricularia and Hericium have been in use for more than 2000 years. They have a tradition in Asia that goes back thousands of years and are highly valued in the local medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Medicinal mushrooms and cultivated plants have also been used in our latitudes for several thousand years - for example, Hildegard von Bingen knew about the effects of medicinal mushrooms as early as the Middle Ages and recommended them for lung and spleen diseases, stomach problems, etc.

The aim of traditional Chinese medicine and the approach of classic “home remedies” is to help keep the body healthy. A wide variety of natural remedies are used to strengthen and heal people and animals from within.

Many alternative practitioners have been relying on the help of medicinal mushrooms for years - whether it is to strengthen the digestive or immune system or to specifically treat allergies, hoof or skin problems. Muscles, vitality and nerves can also benefit from these little wonder mushrooms.

But what makes these little medicinal mushrooms so interesting?

The medicinal mushrooms strengthen the entire system through their optimal composition of bioavailable vital substances. These micronutrients, especially beta-D-glucans but also triterpenes (hydrocarbons) and antioxidants, help the body to activate its own self-healing powers by encouraging the immune system to form and activate more killer cells, thereby destroying bacteria and viruses.

Reishi, Hericium and Co. can also improve the oxygen supply in the blood, inhibit inflammation and strengthen the detoxification organs by removing harmful substances from the body.

The small mushrooms also contain all eight essential amino acids and plenty of vitamins B and D. The effects of mushrooms have been proven by numerous scientific studies in both the human and animal sectors. Veterinarians who deal with the topic of medicinal mushrooms in the veterinary sector agree: one organism is the same as another, and the effects can be transferred. Some studies even prove that mushrooms significantly reduce the growth of tumors.

For horses that suffer from diarrhea or often have colic, the medicinal mushroom Hericium, also known as hedgehog's beard, helps. It soothes the mucous membranes and is also effective for allergies, coat and skin problems,” says Petra Scharl, animal health practitioner in an interview with Cavallo and continues enthusiastically: “ As this mushroom contains nerve growth factors, it is also well suited to calming nervous horses.

Where do medicinal mushrooms come from?

Our medicinal mushrooms are cultivated and harvested in the wild by experienced producers, far away from industry. Our medicinal mushroom powders are gently dried at low temperatures immediately after harvest. Only the mature fruiting body of the hedgehog's beard is processed, as this is where the relevant ingredients are found. After gentle drying at 40°C - 60°C, the entire fruiting body is finely ground to increase the bioavailability of the ingredients, i.e. easier absorption by the body.

The powder is also tested for purity and quality in accredited German laboratories. This way we can ensure the organic quality of our products.

Here we explain the effects and possible uses of the medicinal mushrooms we use in detail.

And why should you combine CBD with medicinal mushrooms?

The CBD contained in hemp, which is highly valued by our customers, acts on the body's own endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for various essential processes in the body - including the immune system, digestive system, nervous system and metabolic processes.

Both CBD and medicinal mushrooms support the nervous system, vascular system, metabolism and digestion through their broad spectrum of effects.

Medicinal mushrooms are so-called "superstars" for the immune system and act more as "normalizers" than as stimulants - this function is more likely to be taken over by CBD. A combination of CBD and medicinal mushrooms therefore leads to synergistic effects that are finding increasing recognition and confirmation both in the world of naturopathy and in the scientific community.

That's why we want to combine the little miracle mushrooms with our beloved cultivated plant - hemp - and thus provide even more support for your four-legged friends.

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