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stress, nerves & cribbing

Natural support with hemp and medicinal mushrooms for nerve problems, stress, cribbing, headshaking & Co. in horses.


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Natural support for stress, nerve problems & cribbing in horses

seewinkler stressAWAY auf Brücke mit Pferd beim Ausreiten

Horses are very sensitive to external influences, which often manifests itself in stress , behavioral disorders and even cribbing or weaving. These behavioral abnormalities can indicate deeper disorders of the nervous system, which are often accompanied by anxiety and nervousness. Our products with hemp, CBD and medicinal mushrooms offer natural support to calm your horse's nerves and promote general well-being.

Nerve Problems & Stress in Horses

Unfortunately, horses with nervous problems, behavioral problems or stress symptoms are not uncommon.

Common symptoms of nervous problems and stress in horses are explosive behavior, pseudonarcolepsy (they do not lie down to sleep), general nervousness, cribbing, headshaking or stomach ulcers.

The following problems are the most common in horses:

Why is it important to treat stress and nerve problems naturally?

Natural support of the metabolism is crucial to keep your horse's organism healthy and to minimize chronic diseases such as laminitis, EMS or Cushing's. Chemical additives can provide short-term relief, but often put a strain on the metabolism and digestion. Our products rely on natural supplementary feed to support the metabolism and promote the well-being of your horse.

seewinkler stressAWAY auf einem Baumstamm

Natural food for stress

If your horse is suffering from stress, anxiety or nervousness, natural support is particularly important. Chemical sedatives can provide short-term relief, but they often have side effects and put a strain on your horse's organism. Natural sedatives for horses offer a gentle but effective alternative that helps calm the horse in the long term.

seewinkler stressAWAY auf Brücke mit Pferd beim Ausreiten

Natural Calming for Horses

Horses that suffer from persistent stress or anxiety benefit from herbs to calm them down . These herbs have a naturally relaxing effect and promote inner peace. Especially in the case of behavioral disorders such as cribbing or weaving, it is important to rely on natural supplementary feed that not only calms the nerves but also promotes general well-being.

seewinkler stressAWAY mit Pferd im Hintergrund

supplementary feed without chemicals

A supplementary feed for stress in horses without chemicals is not only gentler on your horse's body, but can also help in the long term to strengthen the nerves and bring your four-legged friend's entire organism back into balance. Horses that suffer from cribbing, headshaking or stress-related stomach problems in particular need holistic support that is based on natural ingredients and is gentle on the stomach.

The benefits of CBD, hemp and medicinal mushrooms for stress and nervous problems

CBD , hemp and medicinal mushrooms are particularly effective in treating stress and nervous problems in horses. They have a calming, anti-anxiety effect and strengthen the nervous system in a natural way.

seewinkler stressAWAY auf Brücke mit Pferd beim Ausreiten

CBD and hemp against stress and anxiety in horses

CBD has been shown to be particularly effective in calming nervous horses and reducing inner restlessness when they are stressed. It acts directly on the central nervous system and helps to reduce your horse's stress reactions. CBD oil can also relieve anxiety and help calm the horse in stressful situations such as during transport or in unfamiliar surroundings. CBD can also be a gentle and effective solution for chronic nervousness or anxiety.

Hemp powder for horses provides a natural source of valuable omega-3 fatty acids that strengthen the nervous system and increase stress resistance. For horses that suffer from anxiety, stress or behavioral disorders such as cribbing, hemp powder can help calm the nerves and restore inner balance. In combination with CBD, hemp increases the effect and supports your horse's well-being.

The Power of Medicinal Mushrooms for Stress and Nerve Problems

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi and Hericium also have a calming effect on the nervous system. They are rich in antioxidants and adaptogenic substances that reduce stress levels and strengthen the nervous system.

Reishi is often used to treat stress because it has a calming and anti-anxiety effect. The mushroom has also proven to be an effective remedy for horses that suffer from nervousness or panic. Hericium, on the other hand, supports the nervous system by improving nerve strength and increasing resistance to stress. These mushrooms work particularly well in combination with hemp and CBD because together they naturally calm the nervous system and relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Why Seewinkler natural products are the best choice

Our products use a selected mixture of hemp with CBD, medicinal mushrooms and magnesium malate to provide your horse with optimal support. We deliberately chose these ingredients because they have a naturally calming effect without putting a strain on the stomach.

Magnesium Malate for Horses

Magnesium malate is a particularly well-tolerated form of magnesium, which is important for nerve and muscle health. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles and promotes your horse's nerve strength, making it particularly effective in cases of stress or anxiety. Magnesium helps to calm the nervous system and restore inner peace, which is crucial for horses with nervousness problems.

CBD & medicinal mushrooms for horses

We have consciously decided to use only hemp with and without CBD , medicinal mushrooms and magnesium malate in our products, as these ingredients are well tolerated and at the same time have a strong effect on the nervous system. They are gentle on the stomach and are also suitable for horses that are sensitive to feed supplements. Our products offer comprehensive support that naturally relieves stress, anxiety and nervousness problems in horses.

Our products can also be combined with other well-known natural sedatives such as lavender, Bach flowers or herbs such as lemon balm or chamomile, which also have a calming effect on the nervous system. We have deliberately chosen to only use hemp, medicinal mushrooms and magnesium, as our many years of experience have shown that these offer the best results in terms of calming and relaxation and can also be used in the long term.

seewinkler stressAWAY mit Pferd im Hintergrund

Natural support for stress, nerves & cribbing in horses

With our products based on hemp, CBD, medicinal mushrooms and magnesium malate, your horse receives the best natural support for stress, nervousness problems and cribbing. Our ingredients are carefully selected to strengthen the nervous system and bring the horse back into balance - without chemical additives or side effects. Support your horse now with the power of nature and discover our range for stress-free and relaxed horse keeping!

Further information & know-how

Here you will find some exciting articles and testimonials on this topic and our products.

Experience reports on nerve problems & stress in horses

Learn how other horse owners support their horses with natural supplements for nerves and stress.

Blog article about nerve problems & stress in horses

In our blog you will learn everything about the nervous system of horses as well as various problems and solutions.