Our hemp fields - how does our hemp grow?


Where do our beautiful hemp plants actually grow?

Our EU-certified industrial hemp grows and thrives on around 15 hectares in sunny Burgenland. In recent years, it has even grown to 300 hectares, most of which are leased. We cultivate different fields every year to protect the soil and thus ensure the high quality on an ongoing basis.

Since the hemp plant has deep roots, it loosens the soil. This is why the farmers in the area are happy when the fields are swapped at regular intervals and loosened in a natural way.

Our variety this year is Futura 75 from the EU variety catalogue.

All fields are certified organic. That's why we don't use fertilizers or pesticides and pay particular attention to the quality and condition of the soil. Sowing always depends on the weather. As we had an extremely dry spring this year, we sowed very late - at the end of June. Then we start watering and weeding. We have irrigation wheels for watering, and weeds are pulled out by hand every year.

The beginning of the harvest season

In mid-August we move from long days to short days: the plants automatically switch from growth to flowering. This is how nature intended it and is ingenious, because as soon as the days get shorter, the plants know that they have to prepare for the approaching autumn and winter and start flowering quickly. At this time we harvest the tea, i.e. the fresh, green, juicy leaves, still without flowers.

There are both male and female plants in industrial hemp. We are actually only interested in the females because they produce the flowers that contain CBD. They only produce seeds when they are pollinated by a male plant.

At the end of September, beginning of October, after 8 weeks of flowering, we begin the main harvest. We built the harvesting machines ourselves for this. Since the hemp stalks are extremely tear-resistant, it is not easy to harvest the hemp. (In the past, all ropes, sails and even the first jeans were made from hemp)

How exactly does the production process work?

With our hemp, the upper third (flowers and leaves) is cut and brought on loading wagons from the fields to the farm, where it is gently dried (below 32 degrees) and then sorted.

In the sorting plant, the dried flowers/leaves are separated from the seeds and stems. The flowers are then further processed - pressed into pellets, ground into hemp powder or prepared for CBD oil production.

The separated hemp seeds are cleaned again and then pressed into oil or marketed directly.

We bring the remaining shives and fibers back to the fields, where the soil is prepared for next year's cultivation in the autumn in order to create the best conditions for a new, successful hemp year.

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