Magen Darm & Kotwasser

Maggie with stomach AND intestinal problems

Magenpferd Maggie badet im Fluss

Maggie had stomach and intestinal problems that Anja could not get under control with medication. Through a recommendation, she tried hemp and can now support her mare successfully all around.

First of all, I have to say thank you for the great, detailed advice and support. <3
Maggie had a long undetected gastrointestinal problem, by the Magenmed. it went the intestine worse and worse. I have then 2 years ago all the chemistry discontinued, since it helped nothing and started again Schlonzi and oatmeal and a good mineral feed to give, that already brought a breakthrough, it went her better but not to 100%.
Last year I read a report in a stomach group that hemp products were fed successfully. I then went to the hanferei website to order a sample package. Maggie ate the seed and the sticks and pellets without any problems.
What I noticed is that she rested quite quickly within about 1 week in itself. Overall, the change of coat to the winter coat was also completed very quickly. I then ordered the powder and seeds after consultation with Ellie and since November 21 she now gets daily seeds and powder in Schlonzi and the stomach and intestines are since then on the road to recovery. Since January she has formed apples again and when recently the hay was not so good and all the others then had fecal water and diarrhea, everything remained with Maggie in the lot . Also, she no longer flakes her chin sore and bloody at the summer coat change , which used to always happen at this coat change.

It helps us in very different areas. Thank you for your support!

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