Lisa has tested our skin products - the CBD balm and the CBD skin oil - on her horse and dog as well as herself and is convinced.
Today I want to share my experiences with the skin products of the seewinkler hemp factory with you. I have tried both the CBD skin oil and the CBD balm.
First of all: I am generally a fan of natural skin products, even if I am always a bit skeptical whether they really work or fulfill their purpose. My favorite products are calendula ointment and shea butter for dry and itchy skin, coconut oil and propolis ointments are also a fixed component in my dog and stable pharmacy.
I was all the more pleased that the hemp factory also offers natural cosmetics - and then also with CBD. Actually, I ordered the products for my gelding Liam, because he always likes where small wounds inflicted and one or the other place is particularly itchy. In addition, the black flies make us every year anew ready, his belly button suffers then always particularly...
And with the CBD skin oil?
When I tried the skin oil for the first time, he immediately wanted to lick it off my hand - typical Liam. I smeared it generously on his belly button and chest, where it always itches especially in the summer. And also the tail rump suffers unfortunately always very much from nightly scratching attacks :(
Conclusion after a few weeks: The itching is significantly less, the tail finally grows back from above without all the hair breaking off or being rubbed away and we no longer have problems with an inflamed belly button. The CBD skin oil also does a great job on scars and chafing from the fly mask - I'm thrilled!
Rico also shows positive results
Especially in the summer with many creek visits and high wet grass Rico itches again and again on the paws and belly. The CBD balm does a great job, because he can lick it off without hesitation, even if he can't stand not to lick it J We have also smeared his scar from the spleen operation with it and it is hardly visible and healed wonderfully.
And if you try the CBD skin oil yourself?
What helps with my favorites can't hurt myself - that's how I discovered CBD oil and hemp seeds for myself. So why not try the CBD skin oil and CBD balm too?
Well... my pimples, which unfortunately always recur monthly and the annoying pustules when I've eaten too much fast food again are DEUTLICH less and disappear much faster again. At first I thought to myself, okay this can also be a coincidence but even with a really deep wound on the knee, which did not want to heal so right I tried after 2 weeks the CBD balm - and bang, a few days later, the healing was significantly accelerated and the crust has no longer tense with each step.
AND: My boyfriend, who always has open knees due to playing soccer, will also use the CBD balm in the future :)
So from us 4 a clear recommendation - the products are great!
P.S. my mom wants to test it now also against wrinkles and will then also report to me...