Magen Darm & Kotwasser

Liam with digestion and muscle problems is finally well

Liam mit Magen-, Darm- und Muskelproblemen

Liam - an extremely thin horse with PSSM2/MIM and gastrointestinal issues is finally stable and building proper muscle.

Liam (10) is a super sensitive but always ready to perform Oldenburger, who drags around a few smaller and bigger problems. I bought him when he was almost 5 years old and until last year he went from one worry to the next:

Stomach and intestinal problems, stress, jumpiness and rideability problems and always extremely emaciated and thin ...

Stomach problems he had already shortly after the purchase, these were treated by a vet - unfortunately with only moderate success, because nothing seemed to help in the long term. We have tried all, in Austria available stomach products in the past years (of course always fed at least 6-8 weeks), but the symptoms such as yawning, stiffness, rideability problems, sensitive stomach/belly, weight loss, muscle loss, extreme jumpiness, explosive behavior, etc. came again and again.
Even changing posture, training, etc. did not bring any long term change. In addition to the stomach issues, he also had unexplained lameness/tactlessness, back pain, and immune system issues and allergies over and over again.
My veterinary surgeon recommended me then (summer 2021), I should try it with CBD, maybe it is the stress and the inner restlessness. No sooner said than done.
I did some research on the Internet and then came across the seewinkler hanferei, where I ordered the CBD pellets, hemp seeds and hemp sticks. And I noticed after a few days already a first improvement in his behavior - he was less skittish, stressed and ate much more with pleasure.

Initial feeding difficulties are gone

I just want to note, at first I had some difficulty getting the pellets into the horse - Liam is really super fussy and sensitive. But when I unwrapped the hemp sticks, he was really greedy for the hemp taste and still is. Hemp sticks go over any other treat/food, even carrots and fresh grass are left for it.
Liam has been fed no grains, little starch and hardly any sugar since he was diagnosed with stomach issues - so it's a benefit for both muscles and stomach & intestines.
After a few weeks of hemp feeding, there were hardly any signs of stomach pain and we were able to slowly resume training (until then he was so thin that this was hardly possible) - my trainer was also thrilled with his change in character and increasing motivation/ridability. But he still didn't really want to gain weight, so the search went on...

Muscle diseases were new territory for me

Through internet research and conversations with friends and therapists I became aware of the muscle disease PSSM2/MIM and had Liam tested for it - with a positive result.
When I got the positive test result, I immediately contacted the seewinkler hanferei to adjust Liam's feeding plan (they really know their stuff) - we then decided together to support him even more specifically.
So I began to feed targeted hemp seeds, hemp sticks and hemp flower powder to high doses, as a topping there is since then the hemp oil. The dose of CBD I can now halve again, but I have given certainly 4 months significantly higher than recommended (about 50g at 550kg).

Conclusion of a years long search for problems

Before the hemp products I had already adjusted the feeding to stomach and intestinal problems as well as PSSM2/MIM but I am convinced that the products of the seewinkler hanferei have only really contributed to a reset of the immune system and a real self-healing. The explosive, jumpy behavior has almost completely disappeared and we have been able to go out in the field without any problems for a good year now, which was not even a consideration before...

The products have been indispensable since this positive change and Liam seems to be very happy, has really gained great weight and is super rideable and motivated at work. And the most wonderful thing: he also forgives a few days off riding without any problems, where he used to walk really super stiff and visibly cramping.

I am really so grateful that I have found Elli and we are in such great exchange - the price-performance ratio is really top and I can heartily recommend the products.

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