The mare India is about 25 years old and has advanced arthrosis in the carpal joint. She also had problems with kissing spines a few years ago. The pain associated with this varies greatly from day to day and she takes a long time to break in.
We hoped to make her daily life easier with the hemp products and we were not disappointed! We have been feeding hemp oil and the CBD powder for three weeks now. At the beginning I was worried if she would eat the supplements at all. India is very determined about her food. Once she rejects something, she refuses it vehemently. Especially with other oils we had problems in the past. However, both the hemp oil and the CBD powder are very well accepted by her from day 1 and completely eaten. The time it takes her to break in has shortened. She runs "rounder" and is no longer so clearly lame on the first steps. In general, her daily condition has remained stable over the past few weeks and no longer fluctuates so massively. We have the feeling that we can support her very well with the products and will definitely replenish the stock soon!
Bianca and India