Stress Nerven & Koppen

Feli has fear and stress

Pferd Feli liegt im Gras, den Kopf auf dem Schoß der Besitzerin, entspannt dank Seewinkler CBD-Tropfen

Franziska's mare has fear and stress when she has to stay alone - with the 20% CBD oil she can finally stay relaxed in the box again. 

Since spring 2022, the soon to be 6 year old Westphalian mare Feli strengthens our small team, as she is kindly placed at my disposal. She is a very motivated, kind, cuddly and sensitive mare who does not like to be alone at all. When riding she is totally eager, sometimes a bit hectic and nervous, but very teachable. Her biggest weakness is being alone when the other two buddies are taken to the pasture or generally led away from her. She screams a lot, paces up and down the box very quietly, kicks the walls at times, and is just completely distraught without being able to be calmed down.

In the fall of 2022 I dared a first attempt with the CBD drops (20%). I gave her 3 drops in the morning and 3 drops in the evening on a piece of sugar. After a short time she became noticeably calmer and did not mind being alone. She continued to eat her hay until she was picked up and taken to the meadow. After the first bottle was empty, I tried again without CBD. She again showed exactly the hysterical behavior. Unfortunately, it was now getting worse, so I ordered another bottle of CBD oil. This time I set the dose to 2 drops each morning and evening. Even this is already enough and she is again much more relaxed.

The difference is really enormous!
I am totally thrilled how effective the CBD is with Feli and how much more pleasant it is for her to master these situations. I have not yet noticed a big difference when riding, but it will not hurt here either.

Many thanks to the team and the great products! 

The hemp sticks are by the way in our Zirzensik training also the absolute hit and may no longer be missing :)

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