Huf Haut & Juckreiz

Cools skin problems

CBD-Hautprodukte bei einem Notfall

CBD for skin emergencies? The foal Cool has shown us the effect....

The worst thing that can happen to a foal owner? The foal is suddenly gone, the mother is no longer looking for it....
We feared bad things, were searching for hours, pulled out all the stops and after 2 days we found the little foal Cool in a river not far from our stable - alive but totally weak.

We were so happy to have the little "Cool" back and thought the worst was over, but the next days should teach us otherwise...

After she was very calm, almost apathetic, on the day of her return, we called the vet. She had a slight fever, high respiratory rate and low pulse. Also, a slight cold and cough. Her legs were swollen and she has bruising in her hooves. She was so weak that she could drink very little at Mama's. The fur started to come out where she stood in the water.

Skin problems everywhere

Little Cool was losing her fur everywhere, the skin was also peeling off in some places and she had partly big open wounds on her joints. Our local vet supported the little mouse with everything he could. We were in contact with a wide variety of veterinarians and acquaintances and were grateful for every tip and suggestion.

In addition to the Immuxntherapie from the inside Cool got high doses of CBD pellets to strengthen the immune system and the body and we smeared her from head to toe for days with the CBD balm and CBD skin oil. She was literally bathed in it J and it turned out: it helped!
That was 5 weeks ago now. We used both, the cure for inside to help her relax and ev. soften the shock, and the skin care products for the skin and coat.

What can we say, look at the photos: She is happy again, the skin has healed, the fur is growing back and in terms of character our Cool is just as people-oriented, cuddly, calm and curious as before her accident. We don't think it would have healed so quickly and beautifully without CBD.

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